100RTBD is a game I've started so long ago that I can't really remember what my goal was at the time, it was related to including a story in one of my games, and making a metroidvania. The core idea was that you would explore 10 grids of 10x10 rooms in order to level up, fight enemies, get items, solve puzzles and figure out the story behind the game through text terminals, hidden messages in enemy descriptions and cutscenes.

AuthorJérémie Tessier

Tarot Trials is a GameJam game where the core theme is the Tarot. My idea was a roguelike where you draw tarot cards to select your class and the map you're fighting in. You can also use spells and equip gear, but that all draws from the same card pool as well. As you went forward, you could unlock more cards and level-up the ones you already have. First runs might be tough and luck is a big part of Tarot Trials, but if you keep at it you'll finally get all the tarot cards, defeat the Tarot bosses and figure out the game.

AuthorJérémie Tessier

3010 : An Office Space Odyssey is my first 'real' GameJam project where I went somewhere physically to only work on a game for two days straight. Furthermore, it was my first personal project where I worked with multiple people on a game, and it shows in the feature set and the scope we were able to attain in such a short time. I also had the chance to work with a 3D artist for the first time, leaving to them the task of producing art assets.

AuthorJérémie Tessier

Legend of Loadaia is a 'GameJam' game based around the theme of interactive loading screens, mostly because of the old Namco patent expiring. I had the idea to make a game where you'd wish to stay in interactive loading screens as long as possible because after that you get to fight an impossibly though boss. You unlock minigames by spending crystals in a shop and you upgrade them - and your character, in various ways - up until the point where you can defeat that incredibly dangerous enemy.

AuthorJérémie Tessier

Area 15:51:51 is a 'GameJam' project focused around procedural generation of content. It uses this mechanic to generate rooms, music and text. The inspiration came to me from looking at the ProcJam 2015 art pack that was gracefully provided to help designers with finding assets to make their game with. I had fun writing the algorithms to create the music - even though it might not sound like much more than bleeps and bloops - and the way the text is spat out from computer is pretty neat. I think I've done a few neat things with this game.

AuthorJérémie Tessier

Magic Darts is a 'GameJam' project where the goal of this particular jam was to find a box for a NES game that we don't know about, and make a game based only on that single picture! I've chosen the Darts game 'Magic Darts' and decided to create a turn-based RPG where you fought enemies by throwing darts on a board filled with runes, using them to cast various spells. I think the idea works well and with my one-week deadline, I'm pretty happy with what I've done. 

AuthorJérémie Tessier

PoutineTime is another 'GameJam' project, because - as you might have read in one of my recent blog entries - I have issues with quickly making stuff that works and GameJams are the best way to make smaller games and also to get my name out there in a small way! I've decided to make a two player competitive BurgerTime ripoff where you make poutines instead of burgers, and while it was a pain to have everything work, I feel that it's a cool ripoff!

AuthorJérémie Tessier

VIRTUAL PET was a palate cleanser, it was a smaller game done for a GameJam based around virtual pets. I've decided to make my virtual pet be like a normal program, accessing files in your computer, writing and reading data, looking at your running processes, etc. Although the deadline for the jam itself was pushed back multiples times, I still decided to stop where I did even if many other features could've been crammed into VIRTUAL PET. It's still a neat thing that shows the kind of games I make!

AuthorJérémie Tessier

My goal with this Friday the 13th remake was first of all to remake the infamous NES game by fixing some of the worst elements of its design while retaining a bit of old-school nostalgia that would come by playing such a game. Secondly, I wanted to add online multiplayer to it, although in a basic form - only for multiple people to play in the same universe and have the same progress and not being able to interact between each other in meaningful ways.

AuthorJérémie Tessier

My goal with Gun Runner was to create a First Person Shooter that was on-rails and also featured some of the specific tropes of the Endless Runner Genre (replaying levels over and over, improving attributes each time so you make it further along, difficulty ramping up as you progress). I've decided to make it so you spent money to be allowed to 'run' for one of four factions and you have a different loyalty level with each faction, allowing you to buy different levels of boosts.

AuthorJérémie Tessier

My goal with Brooman Potionmeister was to continue in the vein of procedurally generated maps and add some roguelike elements to it. I also wanted to create a crafting system which worked a bit like a puzzle. There was also an inventory and an actionbar where you could place potions and items to use them.

AuthorJérémie Tessier

My goal with Jesterquest 3D was to remake an old game from a dead system called 'Videoway' using 3D graphics. The controls are still 2D, but the maps are more or less made out of 3D elements and primitives. I wanted to remake the game while adding some power-ups that weren't present in the original.

AuthorJérémie Tessier
CategoriesRemake, Arcade

My goal with GridDrill was to learn how to use basic Unity functions such as drawing things on-screen, using UI elements such as Buttons and ScrollViews and things like that. Everything in this game is very simple, there are no complex animations and the music was taken from existing games.

AuthorJérémie Tessier