Boardungeon is a GameJam that I created for PROCJAM 2017, a gamejam where you need to create some kind of procedural 'thing'. Two years ago, I had created Area 15:51:51, a platformer exploration game where you would go floors of a building, the inspiration taken from the free art pack I had decided to use. This time, I went with @devilsgarage's art pack that reminded me of a board game of some sort. I wanted to make a board game RPG where you would explore a procedurally generated dungeon.

AuthorJérémie Tessier

Tarot Trials is a GameJam game where the core theme is the Tarot. My idea was a roguelike where you draw tarot cards to select your class and the map you're fighting in. You can also use spells and equip gear, but that all draws from the same card pool as well. As you went forward, you could unlock more cards and level-up the ones you already have. First runs might be tough and luck is a big part of Tarot Trials, but if you keep at it you'll finally get all the tarot cards, defeat the Tarot bosses and figure out the game.

AuthorJérémie Tessier

Area 15:51:51 is a 'GameJam' project focused around procedural generation of content. It uses this mechanic to generate rooms, music and text. The inspiration came to me from looking at the ProcJam 2015 art pack that was gracefully provided to help designers with finding assets to make their game with. I had fun writing the algorithms to create the music - even though it might not sound like much more than bleeps and bloops - and the way the text is spat out from computer is pretty neat. I think I've done a few neat things with this game.

AuthorJérémie Tessier

My goal with Brooman Potionmeister was to continue in the vein of procedurally generated maps and add some roguelike elements to it. I also wanted to create a crafting system which worked a bit like a puzzle. There was also an inventory and an actionbar where you could place potions and items to use them.

AuthorJérémie Tessier