The CYMK conspiracy is a GameJam game that I made for the 'A Game By Its Cover' 2018 jam where you had to use a cart image from Famicase 2018 and make a game based on that. Since I'm currently working on multiple other projects, I've decided to take one called CYMK: The Game, which sounded like it was a color-based puzzler. This inspired me to make a puzzle game where you would disarm bombs by picking the right color.

AuthorJérémie Tessier

100RTBD is a game I've started so long ago that I can't really remember what my goal was at the time, it was related to including a story in one of my games, and making a metroidvania. The core idea was that you would explore 10 grids of 10x10 rooms in order to level up, fight enemies, get items, solve puzzles and figure out the story behind the game through text terminals, hidden messages in enemy descriptions and cutscenes.

AuthorJérémie Tessier

My goal with GridDrill was to learn how to use basic Unity functions such as drawing things on-screen, using UI elements such as Buttons and ScrollViews and things like that. Everything in this game is very simple, there are no complex animations and the music was taken from existing games.

AuthorJérémie Tessier