Genre: Role-playing

  • Project started on: May 19, 2020

  • Project completed on: February 8th, 2021

  • Approximate time spent on project: 115 hours

Sweet Home On The Hill had two goals in my mind. First, I wanted to create a turn-based role playing game that could be akin to Etrian Odyssey or Shin Megami Tensei: Strange journey. Second, I wanted to make a game with atmosphere, where every battle is a bit stressful and you needed to figure out the nature of your enemies before being able to defeat them.

I’m really happy to say that I’ve accomplished the first goal in large parts. I have made a solid base on which I’ll be able to build a better game in the future. Not saying that I will be re-using all the code (I made some bad choices at the end when it was clear I was only releasing the first chapter) but there’s much here to be proud of. I have a map system that is flexible and easy to edit, UIs that just work and the means to create story beats, treasures and puzzles as needed. I really can see myself making a more traditional RPG using this game as a base, later on.

The second objective wasn’t met in equal measure. I didn’t think enough about my systems and everything the player has access to, so battles are a bit of a mess and feel like a weird half-step between puzzles and actual RPG fights. I also never landed on the exact atmosphere I wanted, adding too much of humor for the whole thing to be believably scary.

And of course, the issue of length. This is just the first chapter of what I had planned to be much longer. While the plan has always been to release this first part and see how people like it to gauge if it’s worth working on some more, I don’t think I’m enjoying it enough myself. I still managed to beat the whole thing, so I know it’s doable!


About the game

  • A large mansion first floor map to explore with puzzles, one-way doors and optional objectives.

  • Ten enemies to fight, 2 mini-bosses and one chapter boss.

  • Three tools to find, upgrade and use in various ways.

  • Twenty-six telekinetic powers of varying situational usefulness.

AuthorJérémie Tessier