Inbento is a delightful puzzle game where you need to replicate a target ‘bento box’ with a few pieces in your own box. You switch, move and duplicate food items until you solve the puzzle, then move on. It’s very simple, but also very relaxing, without any stress and the core mechanics are very good. It’s one of these reviews where there is not much to say because the whole experience is well-made and self-contained in a way that makes too long a review a bit pointless. For a little premium game, I totally recommend inbento!

The game is very good at showing you what new mechanics do in fairly simple levels and the goal is always the same: manage to get the bento box to look like the target shown at the top of the screen. This will often mean putting layers of ingredients on top of each other in a specific order, switching them around with special arrow tools or duplicating them in specific patterns. I was able to do almost all of the levels by myself, but still needed to consult a guide to be able to finish the last few ones (even if they were very simple, they had in fact very precise solutions that I didn’t grasp immediately)

There isn’t much else to say about Inbento! The new mechanics keep trickling for long enough to keep the game engaging and the last few puzzles get quite devilish. It’s a neat game! Play it!

AuthorJérémie Tessier