Knighthood is a mobile RPG with a great look, fairly simple but engaging mechanics and way too many layers of micro-transactions, currencies and other cruft layered on it. You play a ‘Rage Knight’ fighting your way through a land of monsters, collecting gear, leveling up, summoning powerful heroes and trying to keep track of all the activities you can do. I had a nice time with it (never hit a wall where I needed to spend currency) and would’ve played more, but ultimately lost interest.

After a fairly simple character creation (where you pick up your appearance) you are thrown into the battle system immediately - which is good, because fighting is more or less all you do in Knighthood. You have four actions per turn, which you use to attack by tapping, using rage-generating moves by swiping up and summon heroes to use special abilities by hitting their icons. You make chain attacks by taping multiple times in a short time span and when you defeat an enemy you can swipe left or right to start attacking another foe, continuing your chain. You try to target enemy weaknesses with your weapons and summoned hero abilities to defeat them faster, but that’s pretty much the battle system in a nutshell. After you are done with your actions, its the enemy’s turn. Repeat until one side has won, and you get a score based on the number of turns it took you. It’s not overly complex like an Infinity Blade, but it works fairly well!

Where the game lost me a little is outside the core battle loop. Too many things to upgrade with too many different types of currencies. You have plenty of different weapons and armor choices, with different attributes and strengths against certain enemy types, but you need to level them up. Same thing with your summoned heroes, they also have ranks and levels that you need to manage. There are way too many currencies in this game and I wasn’t able to discern how useful they all were before the game suggested I buy a subscription to get some.

Otherwise there seems to be a ton of game modes you unlock over time and new mechanics. You have daily quests, side quests, rewards if you get three stars in all missions of a world. All classic systems that work fairly well here as well. Knighthood is definitely a well made product and I would have probably played more of it if I had infinite time, but it couldn’t keep my attention for more than a few hours. Weird currencies and upgrade systems aside, I had a good time!

AuthorJérémie Tessier
Categories4/5, iOS, RPG