Exception is a puzzle game based around programming where you control a fleet of robots and must accomplish certain objectives like defeating all enemies or moving a robot to a certain point. The type of puzzle programming in question here is all about setting triggers and actions in order to react to the condition of the level. I had a very limited time with it because I felt that the puzzles had a very small solution set (unlike programming) and I had to look at many answers on the internet and even then I couldn't figure out -why- they worked. A few interesting ideas bogged down by the lack of support and kinda bizarre engrish text, then.

The beginning of the game is fairly simple and asks you to move a robot from point A to C using waypoints. You program your robots by assigning them lines of 'code' which consist of conditions (Whenever they see an enemy, if they get a certain signal, if they get to a certain distance of a waypoint) and actions (begin attacking, send a signal, move to a certain spot). Code is executed from top to bottom and conflicting conditions are dealt with in that order. While the first levels work fairly well (using sniper robots to get into position and shoot at short-range enemies, use robots to lure others away, etc.) it quickly got too weird for me. The game introduces mechanics at a slow pace, but doesn't really explain them well. You are timed to complete each level, so you can't really brute force it either.

After a while, I just went to find solutions online, which completely destroyed my interest for this game. Trying to create functional solutions didn't work and after a while just dragging blocks around and trying to figure what I was doing wrong became really tiresome. The core idea of the levels is simple enough - defeat an enemy, for example - but the specifics tended to be too obscure. I spent a lot of time on certain levels where you had to move a slow robot to try and defeat a fast one, for instance, or a bunch of small ones that could be healed.

After searching for all the answers, I decided that Exception wasn't my cup of tea. It's not a terrible game, but I fear that it doesn't explains itself enough and you don't really learn how to play it naturally. A few changes here and there - maybe being less strict would've helped - and it could've been more fun.

AuthorJérémie Tessier