I've done a fair share of work this weekend! You can now talk with the first NPC and get either a pickaxe or a great sword. You also can use the inventory and equip items and you can swing your sword to damage an enemy and the enemy can damage you as well! Next up is to make the enemy move, allow the player to die, and all kinds of stuff.

And yes, all my sprites are edits from Zelda on NES, but that's because I'm terrible at art. All tiles for the world itself will be 'original', but that's not saying much!

  • Time spent on the project so far: 10 hours
  • Currently working on: Combat
AuthorJérémie Tessier

Today I started working on the dialogue system, which is an important part - but also not too overbearing - of Talk || Take. In today's screenshot, you can see how it kinda works. In conversations you can steal NPC's items in addition to talking to them. This will give you different equipment as well as changing the story. Doing so might change the gameplay slightly as well.

For instance, the first NPC you meet is a blacksmith, he's working on a sword to vanquish evil, but he's not done with it yet. If you talk to him and agree to help, he will give you a pickaxe; A fairly weak weapon that you can use to mine ore in order to help him forge that sword. You can also steal the sword he currently has. It's a good sword and will help you dispatch your enemies more quickly, however, to get it at this point in the game you'll need to steal it and that means you'll forego the whole mining ore sidequest!

  • Time spent on the project so far: 4 hours
  • Currently working on: Dialogue system
AuthorJérémie Tessier

I've decided to take a small break from Gacha Hell; It's still a project that interests me, but there's just too much content that needs to be created in order for the game to work and the content creation by itself is just grunt work; Unfulfilling and without instant gratification. I want to make a smaller game that could be completed in a few weeks without having to create tons of content. I have a great idea! It's basically 'Zelda x Undertale' and I've named it "Talk || Take". I really hope I manage to make my idea come to life in its entirety. Please look forward to it!

I already have a few things, the movement and entering buildings kinda works, the main menu (although very simple) is also already done and I have some of the main UI completed as well.

  • Time spent on the project so far: 4 hours
  • Currently working on: Basic game systems
AuthorJérémie Tessier

Still working on skills. It's a bit tedious. This week is games done quick so productivity might also drop a bit.

  • Time spent on the project so far: 85 hours
  • Currently working on: Creating skills
AuthorJérémie Tessier

I've worked on creating skills for the game for the last week, I'm done with designing almost all of them and still need to implement them. I've decided to go that route since most of Gacha Hell is pure content. 

  • Time spent on the project so far: 81 hours
  • Currently working on: Creating skills
AuthorJérémie Tessier

I've been working on the battle system for the last two weeks and now I think I have a good rhythm and I'll just need to keep pushing and add new mechanics and content to the game. The core gameplay is there and I'll be able to refine it as I iterate during my own playtesting.

  • Time spent on the project so far: 76 hours
  • Currently working on: Battle Screen
  • Screenshot: The soldier won!
AuthorJérémie Tessier

The last week was kinda low-productivity since I was watching the RPG Limit Break Speedrun Marathon, but I still managed to get some stuff done, now enemies have 'proper' 'AI' and will attack players with various moves depending on some small fuzzy logic rules. I still have some more pieces of battle logic to code, mainly the formula for damage dealt by attacks and then I'll have to code player action selection and the use of player skills.

  • Time spent on the project so far: 66 hours
  • Currently working on: Battle Screen
  • Screenshot: A soldier still fighting some pens
AuthorJérémie Tessier

I'm now working on the battle systems of GACHA HELL, right now I have to define enemy stats and skills based on their locations, so this week will see a fair bit of game design, which might start getting implemented later on.

  • Time spent on the project so far: 61 hours
  • Currently working on: Battle Screen
  • Screenshot: A soldier fighting some pens
AuthorJérémie Tessier

I've been working on the map screen of GACHA HELL for the past day and it's almost done for now. I still have to code stuff for events and quests, but right now this is all I need. Only a few tweaks are left, but I should start working on enemy stats and stuff like that tomorrow!

  • Time spent on the project so far: 58 hours
  • Currently working on: Map screen
  • Screenshot: Map screen!
AuthorJérémie Tessier

This weekend I've completed the 'Character Edit Screen' where you equip various weapons and armors. It's a bit similar to the 'Party Edit' screen, but it has some slight differences. Now I'm working on the map screen and after that is the battle screen! The main loop of the game is almost done!

  • Time spent on the project so far: 55 hours
  • Currently working on: Map screen
  • Screenshot: Character edit screen
AuthorJérémie Tessier

This week was all about skills. How they're implemented, what they are, how they're shown in the game. I still have a few tweaks to do here and there, but the basis for my skill system is more or less done. Next up is the character edit screen where you can change gear and stuff like that (which should be easy) then I'll move on to the map screen. Maybe with some luck we'll have some gameplay by the end of next week?

  • Time spent on the project so far: 50 hours
  • Currently working on: Skill system
  • Screenshot: Some different skills
AuthorJérémie Tessier

This week I've mostly worked on the gear system; Creating weapons, armors and starting the bases for accessories. I haven't done much work in implementing these things, but the party select screen is continuing to progress. There are still a ton of things to do before I can actually show some 'gameplay', but I'm getting there! (I guess that technically building your party and choosing gear is part of gameplay, but ya know what I mean)

  • Time spent on the project so far: 45 hours
  • Currently working on: Character/Gear systems
  • Screenshot: Party edit screen (still a WIP)
AuthorJérémie Tessier

For the last week I've worked on the Moon Gacha and made some (bad) placeholder art assets for each map location and each enemy. Everything is going smoothly on that end and the intro tutorial is -somewhat- done. Now I'm working on the party edit screen where you select which characters are in your party, you can also see their equipped gear and skills there. Then I'll do the character edit screen (where you can change gear and stuff like that) then is the Map Screen where you select where you go and fight, and finally the battle scene proper. Maybe this week, but I doubt it.

  • Time spent on the project so far: 40 hours
  • Currently working on: Character systems
  • Screenshot: Party edit screen
AuthorJérémie Tessier

These last few days I've worked on the randomness to get items from the Moon Gacha and all the UI around that. I've also worked on the sprites for each of the ten character classes. They're pretty bad, but that's about the level of what I can do!

  • Time spent on the project so far: 30 hours
  • Currently working on: Moon Gacha systems
  • Screenshot: You Got A Thing!
AuthorJérémie Tessier

I've been working on the initial visit to the Moon Gacha for the past few days, both regarding currency and the odds to acquire all the items contained in it. The numbers aren't final, but I'm somewhat happy with the curve I'm getting right now (the secret was to raise numbers to powers of other numbers). Now I just need to code the actual gacha item acquisition and I'll move on to party edit; the map of the world and the battle system!

  • Time spent on the project so far: 25 hours
  • Currently working on: Moon Gacha systems
  • Screenshot: The Devil isn't giving you good maths, I think.
AuthorJérémie Tessier

Today I worked on the intro process a bit more; the Moon Gacha screen and I started working on the screen where you see the odds for the gacha. I have a few bits of technical decisions to take before I can start working on that part proper, but since my design doc is pretty solid (I'm not deviating from it too much so far), it's smooth sailing!

  • Time spent on the project so far: 22 hours
  • Currently working on: Moon Gacha screen
  • Screenshot: The Moon Gacha screen
AuthorJérémie Tessier

I worked on the flow of the intro cutscene this weekend and today and I almost started working on the Moon Gacha screen proper, I was a bit frozen by indecision since there are plenty of ways I could go about this. Ultimately I think I'll have to defer to my design doc, where I already laid down the core idea of how the game would work. I'll get on that tomorrow!

  • Time spent on the project so far: 20 hours
  • Currently working on: Intro cutscene, Moon Gacha screen
  • Screenshot: A little bit of the intro
AuthorJérémie Tessier

Today I decided how I was gonna implement sprites in the game. I had a few options, I could code almost nothing and do sprite sheet animations, I could animate using unity's animator but have different sprites for each character, or (what I chose to do) was to split characters into different parts (heads, legs, bodies, etc.) and build a character using a generic template using these assets. Now I don't have to create 11 crappy walk cycles, one is enough, and the unity animations do the rest of the job!

  • Time spent on the project so far: 16 hours
  • Currently working on: Main screen, base character system
AuthorJérémie Tessier

Hello everyone! I'm starting a new project, named Gacha Hell, which will be a RPG featuring Gacha elements, obviously. I've started working on the design doc a few months ago, and now I'm ready to start production on the game, with my usual horizontal development methods. It'll be a small while before I have assets to show, but I aim for this game to be sold on iOS and android (and maybe steam as well, who knows) and while I'm not sure if it's going to be freemium or premium, I have plenty of good ideas! Look forward to it!

  • Time spent on the project so far: 15 hours
  • Currently working on: Main screen, sprite art, initial story bits
AuthorJérémie Tessier

Here's the release for Target 0 - Angel of my Killer7 fangame, Killer2017. If you haven't been following this site, Killer2017 is a remake of the original that turns the on-rails shooter into a turn-based RPG with adventure game elements akin to Shadowgate and Déja Vu. It took me about 170 hours to create this first level - but I had to create all systems from scratch - so making the full game, which is 7 levels would take about another 400-500 hours easily. 

Right now, this is missing a few things, like balance; Much like the original game, you can play as Dan Smith and destroy more or less everything easily. Other characters have mixed results in certain situations, so that would need to be overhauled. There is also only one rank of purchasable skills - but you get so little thick blood that you might not get further than that - and you can't 'LOOK' at most things, since I would need to write text for each room you could explore.

Besides that, the core of the game is in there! Please spread this around if you like the idea or would like to see the rest of the game! Depending on how much interest there is around this project, I might continue and create another level or two, or just stop here altogether. I really don't want to repeat past mistakes of working 700 hours on something just to realize that it was in vain and in any case I was a good exercise for me to re-create the first level of Killer7 in my own style. No hard feelings!

AuthorJérémie Tessier