Today I worked on the Volatile Smile, fixed a few UI issues and created the first Harman's Room where you can't save - because Samantha can't be bothered to do it for you. I'm also thinking about nerfing Con's Burst Fire ability, because I use it all the time.

If you've played Killer 7, you know that you -can- beat the game with any character, but Dan's the best to use in most situations. I've rarely used the rest of the crew in my usual playthroughs, sticking with Dan. I don't want Killer2017 to be like that, I want all characters to be more or less balanced, but not identical. It's a weird balancing act.

  • Time spent on the project so far: 118 hours
  • Currently working on: Volatile Smile
  • Screenshot: Non-saving Harman's Room
AuthorJérémie Tessier